You Rest, He Works

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Psalm 127:2 “For He gives (blessings) to His beloved even in his sleep.“ (Amplified Bible)

I have GREAT news for you. While you sleep (rest) God works on your behalf, praise God! As you may have noticed, I see everything through the eyes of “grace”. So, when we finally purchased an automatic swimming pool cleaner a month ago, after I plugged it in and watched it work, I said to myself, “Now this is a perfect example of God’s grace!”. While I was in the house resting, the pool cleaner was in the pool working. No more long hours manually vacuuming the pool for me, hallelujah! Why did I wait so long to get one of these!?

That’s what God does for you. In Psalm 127:2, it says “HE gives (blessings) to His beloved even in his sleep”. You are His beloved! In other words, you are His be-loved. As you allow yourself to BE loved by Him, and receive His love for you, things begin to happen effortlessly. While you rest, He works. While you sleep tonight, He’s arranging the right people to come into your life and He’s removing the wrong people, He’s opening doors for you and He’s closing other doors because He loves you. When you wake up tomorrow, wake up expectant of all the good things waiting just for you. Enjoy!