Lord, Let Me Be Your Mobile Office

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Ephesians 3:20 - “Now unto Him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”

You’ve heard of a mobile home, mobile restaurants, mobile pet grooming, mobile banking, and even a blood mobile. How about a “mobile office”? God wants YOU to be His mobile office. Wherever you go, He wants you to be ready to be a blessing. He wants you to be well equipped on the inside with the tools you need to minister to whoever He brings across your path. Pastor Kenneth Hagin and his wife prayed every day, “Lord, make me a blessing to others today”. Pastor Greg Mohr also prays this every day.

When you hear people quote, Ephesians 3:20, often they stop after the word “think”. But there’s an especially important comma after the word think. The key to Him doing “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” is “according to the power that works IN US”. God wants to flow through you to others. You don’t need to ask Him for more power, to pour out His Spirit on you, to move His hand. He’s already given you everything you need in your born-again spirit. Everything. You just need to release His power that’s already working in you and start using it. A better way to pray is “Lord, show me who I am, show me what I have, and show me how to release it wherever I go”. You might also want to add, “Lord, let me be Your mobile office!”