The Paralysis of Analysis

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Proverbs 12:5 “The plans of the righteous are right” NIV

Analysis paralysis can be defined as “an individual or a group who has a process of overanalyzing or overthinking that causes forward motion or decision making to be paralyzed so that no solution or course of action is decided upon”. A sure sign that someone doesn’t grasp the gift of righteousness is anxiety regarding the Lord’s will for their life. In my 40+ years as a Christian I’ve met plenty of believers who are living in a state of self-inflicted paralysis. They put their life on hold and are afraid to make choices in case they get it wrong. How can you get it wrong when you’ve already got it right? God’s Word and the Holy Spirit declare together that you are truly righteous. This means your desires are righteous, your dreams are righteous, or to paraphrase Proverbs 12:5, “the plans of the righteous are right”. Righteous things are what righteous people do. I’m not saying you’re not capable of making dumb choices. But when you abandon yourself completely to His love, trusting in the gift of righteousness, your choices will good!