The Grace Myth Buster

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John 16:8 - “And when He is come (the Holy Spirit) He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment“

Myth: a widely held by false belief or idea.
Myth Buster: a person that shows that something generally thought to be true is not, in fact, true, or is different from how it is usually described.

Myth: John 16:8 says that the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sin.
Myth Buster: He never does that!

The Holy Spirit does NOT convict us of sin, we already know when we sin. The Holy Spirit convicts or convinces us of our righteousness. When do we need convincing of our righteousness in Christ the most? When we are feeling unrighteous. When we’ve failed miserably. The Holy Spirit reminds us that we are still righteous because we are in Christ the Righteous One. Some have said that the Holy Spirit is the “heavenly police” who issues warnings whenever we stray. But that’s not what Jesus said. He said the Holy Spirit would “glorify Me” and guide us into all truth. The Holy Spirit isn’t closing His eyes to our sin, He’s trying to open our eyes to Jesus. So, the next time you hear a condemning and accusing voice, that is NOT the Holy Spirit. When you hear a loving and encouraging voice that reminds you who you are in Christ, THAT is the Holy Spirit.