Kinged Me

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Revelation 5:10 “And He has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth”

Have you ever played the game checkers? When I was a young boy, we played game after game after game of checkers. My favorite part of the game was when I moved my checker all the way across the board and said, “King me!” Before I made it across the board, my checker could only go in one direction, but when I said, “King Me”, I could move that checker in any direction I wanted.

So many believers are trying so hard to “get to the other side” of their problems when all along they have been made kings and priests and reign on this earth…now! I’m so thankful Revelation 5:10 says, “we shall reign on the earth” and not when we get to heaven. The great thing about grace and undeserved favor is that you become a king at the very moment you are born again. No maneuvering, no back and forth, no trying to sweat it out. You’re “kinged” right from the start. Jesus has given you His delegated authority and dominion to rule and reign on this earth. You rule over sicknesses. You rule over viruses. You rule over cancers and growths. You rule over anxiety. You rule over guilt. You rule over debt. You rule and reign because you’re a king! You have the extreme advantage on the “board of life”. So, take advantage of your advantage!