No More Lonely Love Songs

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John 14:16 “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever “

Our union with Christ is the number one reason why life is better than those who lived before the cross. In the Old Testament, they wrote love songs about yearning and absence…“I looked for the one my heart loves but I could not find him” - Song of Solomon 3:1-2. “I opened to my beloved, but my beloved was gone” – Song of Solomon 5:6. “As the deer pants for the water, so my soul pants for you, O God” - Psalm 42:1. It’s sad to hear Christians singing songs of longing and calling it worship.

I imagine it makes Jesus sad too (if He could be sad). Some believers ask “Where are you Lord?“ and His response is, “I’m right here, I am in you and you are in Me”. They ask, “Where did you go?“ and He responds, “I didn’t go anywhere, I promised I’d never leave you!” Here’s another timeless classic from the album Lonely Love Songs of the Old Covenant - Psalm 27:4a, “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life”. That you MAY dwell in the house if the Lord? You ARE the house of the Lord. You can dwell in the house of the Lord as long as you like, in fact it’s impossible for you to dwell anywhere else.

Ask yourself a simple question, “Where is God?” When you think of God being some place, where is that place? Is He up there or over there or who knows where? Well, the good news declares He is in you and you are in Him! In Matthew 28:20 Jesus says, “Surely I am with you always”. Intimacy is not something we ever need to long for, He is already with us. We don’t have to beg God to rend the heavens and come down. He already did…and He never left. And we never have to fear that He might abandon us as orphans. He promised He wouldn’t. The good news of God’s Word declares that NOW and forever more, you are in perfect union with the Lord and that will never change. So PLEASE, no more lonely love songs!

Reprinted from No More Lonely Love Songs by Paul Ellis.