Don't Fall on Your Can

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Philemon 1:6 “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”.

When I played tug-of-war as a kid, we liked to play over a big mud hole. We did our best to try and pull the other team into the mud. But if we were losing and getting too close to falling in the hole ourselves, we would let go of the rope and let the other team fall backwards. We may not have won, but at least the other team fell on their “can”!

Satan does the same thing to believers today. He knows he can’t take you out of the game, so he’ll do his best to get you to fall on your “can”. He uses condemnation and lies and deception to bring you down. He says things like, “If you were such a great Christian, why are you so sick?”. If you are such a great Christian, why are you divorced?” He wants you to focus on your circumstances instead of who you are in Christ.

Philemon 1:6 says that in order to make your faith effectual, you need to acknowledge every GOOD thing that’s in you in Christ Jesus. You might ask, “What’s so good in me, all I see are faults and failures?” The good that’s in you is in your SPIRIT. Jesus lives on the inside of your born-again spirit. Your spirit is perfect, you are complete in Christ. Don’t let the devil throw you off balance with his lies. Stand strong and declare today who you are in Christ!


Michael Jordon vs. Couch Potato

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Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.

Perhaps many of you watched the recent ESPN documentary on Michael Jordon called Last Dance. The story featured the players and coaches who impacted his 13 years with the Chicago Bulls and his six NBA titles. What a great basketball player he was and by no means perfect.

However, whether you are Michael Jordon or a “couch potato”, the rules are the same when it comes to following the Old Testament Law. Let’s say, for example, under the Law the only way to salvation was to jump 20 feet in the air. Even though Michael could jump about 15 feet, he would not qualify. He would not receive salvation even though he “did his best”, or “almost made it”, or “did better than anyone else”. No, he would come “short” of fulfilling the Law’s demands. Same for the couch potato who could jump maybe six inches in the air. No matter how high or low they could each jump, if it weren’t 20 feet, they could not be saved. According to the Law, Michael Jordon and the couch potato were in the same group. Period.

So, under the Law, you either need to be perfect, or you need a Savior who is. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. We are NOT perfect. But thank God the next verse says, “being justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”. Jesus is the Savior of the world; He is perfect and satisfied ALL the requirements of the Law for salvation. Jesus “jumped far and beyond 20 feet” on our behalf. He paid the price for us all. He met the Law’s demands through His blood. We are justified “freely” by His grace. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!


Free Lunch Served Daily

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1 Corinthians 2:12 “Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God”.

In the early 1900’s there was a common phrase that is sometimes used today. “There’s no such thing as a free lunch”. The saying meant that “whatever goods and services that were provided, they must be paid for by somebody. That is, you don’t get something for nothing. There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch!”.

Maybe that’s why people find 1 Corinthians 2:12 so hard to believe. They wonder, how can anything be free? Especially from God. Don’t we have to earn everything, and do the right thing to get what we need or want from Him? Nope. Healing is free. Health is free. Righteousness is free. Salvation is free. They are gifts from God to every living human being. They were bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. All we need to do is simply receive all that Jesus bought for us. It’s all free. Enjoy!


Once For All

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Jesus died ONCE and cleansed us from all sin ONCE! God really wants to drive this point home to us...

Hebrews 9:12 “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us”.

Hebrews 9:26 - “He then would have had to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now, once at the end of the ages, He has appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself”

Hebrews 9:28 - “So Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many”

Hebrews 10:2 – “For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins”

Hebrews 10:10 – “By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all”

Can you see it? Jesus “put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself” once for all! No more sin consciousness No more focusing on all your sins and mistakes. No more going to the altar week after week for forgiveness and cleansing from sin. He sanctified you ONCE. He made you holy and blameless ONCE. He forgave all your sin, past, present, and future at the cross ONCE. It’s finished. Now enjoy!


Peter, Paul and YOU

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2 Peter 1:1 “Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ”.

In the early 1960’s there was a famous folk music trio named Peter, Paul and Mary. Possibly you’ve heard of some of their timeless tunes, including Leaving on a Jet Plane and If I Had a Hammer. Guess what, you’re a part of an even more famous trio…Peter, Paul and YOU.

The apostle Peter opens his second letter by addressing a group of believers who “have obtained this like precious faith”. The first keyword is “have”, they already obtained this like precious faith. He made it truly clear that this faith wasn’t something that they were searching for or seeking after. It wasn’t something “out there somewhere” just beyond their grasp. They already had it.

How? The second keyword is “through”. It was through the “righteousness of God and our Savior Jesus Christ” that every believer has received the same measure of faith. Everyone has been given the same measure of faith, the difference is that not all believers are using the faith they’ve been given.

The third keywords are “with us”. YOU have been given the same measure of faith, the like precious faith, as Peter and Paul. Peter raised Dorcas from the dead. Paul’s shadow healed incurable diseases. You have the exact same faith. You can lay hands on the sick and they will recover. You can speak to things that be not as though they are. You can set the captive free. You’re famous, it’s Peter, Paul and YOU!


Majority Rules!

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1 John 4:17 “As He is, so are we in this world”

Right now, at this moment, in your spirit, you are as Jesus is. Right now, at this moment, you are as you will be for all eternity. You don’t need something new. You just need a revelation of what already is through the blood of Jesus and His finished work on the cross.

You’re made up of three distinct parts, spirit, soul, and body. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “He has sanctified you whole, your whole spirit and soul and body are preserved blameless”. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “majority rules”. It means that the majority has the advantage. Who has the majority advantage in your life, your spirit or you flesh? Your soul decides.

If your soul (mind, will and emotions) is renewed by God’s Word and lines up with your spirit, you’ll experience the life and peace and the power of God. But if your soul is dominated by your body (five senses) you will experience all that opposes God. Majority rules! Two against one. You choose. It’s simple math…Soul + Spirit OR Soul + Body. Whatever you choose rules!


You're a Germ Graveyard

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Acts 28:5 “But he shook off the snake into the fire and suffered no harm”.

Hugging. It’s going to be great when people get back to hugging again. I don’t mean an “air hug” either. I mean a strong embrace. No more “elbow bumps” either. I’m looking forward to a hearty handshake. Romans 16:16 says to “greet one another with a holy kiss”. We are wired for relationship, we are not designed for social distancing. But what if, when all this is over, the fear of disease and viruses remains in the back of people’s minds? What then?

The answer is in Romans 8:2 which says that the law of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. In other words, your body is a “germ graveyard”. As soon as germs and viruses touch your body, they die, NOT YOU! Their tombstone reads RIP “They lived, I died!” - Psalm 118:17. Mark 16:18 says “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. The only way to lay hands on someone is to touch them. That tells me that as a believer, if you lay hands on people in Jesus’ name, you have authority over germs, illnesses and disease.

Just like in Acts 28 when Paul was gathering sticks to throw on the fire and a venomous snake fastened on his hand. In verse 6 it says, “they [the natives] were expecting that he would swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But after they had looked for a long time they saw no harm come to him”. The same Spirit that lives in Paul lives in you. His body was a poison graveyard and so is yours. The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. Jesus body was a germ graveyard and so is yours. Amen!


Now You See Me

1 Thessalonians 5:4 “But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief“.

In Mathew 24:7 it says that there will be “pestilences” or pandemics before Jesus comes back. That’s what we are seeing today with the Corona Virus. In 1 Thessalonians 5:4 it’s talking about the rapture of the church before Jesus comes back in His second coming. Notice it says brethren. These are believers in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. It also tells us that for believers that day won’t be like a thief in the night, we won’t be in darkness. We live as children of the light.

The Bible says in the rapture we will disappear in an atomic second. Then the return of our Lord Jesus Christ can take place at any time. But to the world, the rapture is more like now you see me, now you don’t, gone without clear explanation. The devil has already set in motion an abundance of science fiction movies and themes that will try and explain away our disappearance. But there is only one explanation.

We are in the last days. The rapture of the church is drawing near. The second coming of our Lord is closer than before. We are not in darkness; we will receive a new glorified body and enjoy eternity with our Lord and Savior. Let’s purpose in our hearts to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone we meet, with our words and our actions!


Position Before Provision

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John 6:10-11 “And Jesus said, Make the men sit down, now there was much grass in the place. So the men sat down, in number about 5,000”

I want to focus on a key phrase in this scripture, “Make the men sit down”. Before Jesus’ multiplied the loaves and the fish, why did Jesus tell them to sit down? Because He was positioning them to provide for them. Rest always precedes provision.

Where did Jesus tell them to sit down? Where there was “much grass”. The place of rest is the place of abundance. The Bible says that Mary sat down to hear Jesus. In Psalm 91:1 it says that “he that dwells (sits down) in the secret place of the Most High…”

If you’re worried about your future, stressed out, trying to figure things out, or fearful, Jesus is saying to you today, “sit down”. Rest in the finished work on the cross. Rest in the promises of God’s Word. Feed on God’s Word as a sheep feeds on grass, much grass. When you “sit down’ and rest in God’s Word, the provision comes. And not just a little…like the fishes and the loaves, He will multiply what’s in your hand, and there will be a surplus left over!


Faith Over Feelings

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1 Kings 19:10 “I, even I only, am left;”

I want to ask you a couple of questions. Have you ever let your feelings take over? Have you ever said or done things totally based on your feelings and not on the facts? Have you ever let what someone else said take over your feelings? The reason I ask is because there’s a whole lot of exaggerations being circulated right now. Exaggerations and unfounded predictions that are being declared as facts.

In 1Kings 19:10 Elijah says something based totally and exclusively on how he felt. He said “I, even I only, am left”. The problem is, that wasn’t even close to being true, but he knew that already. The truth is, in 1 Kings 18:13 Obadiah told him there were at least 100 other prophets who he hid in a cave. In 1Kings 19:18 God told him “I have 7,000 in Israel who haven’t bowed their knee to Baal”.

Faith has a different voice than fear. Faith says what God’s Word says about any given situation. It really doesn’t matter how you feel about what goes on around you or tries to happen to you. Faith “calls things that be not as though they were”. Faith says “It is well”. Faith has a completely different sound than feeling. Elijah declared how he felt, then acted on it as if it were reality. In these times that we live in, don’t let how you feel dictate what you say and do. Let the truth of God’s Word dictate what you say and do. That’s faith over feelings.


You Can't Out-Sin Grace

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Romans 5:20 “Where sin increased and abounded, Grace (God’s unmerited favor) has surpassed it and increased the more and super-abounded” AMPC.

Imagine taking a bottle of regular drinking water and pouring it into the saltwater ocean. Guess what happens? The salt water overwhelms and engulfs and completely consumes the regular water. It’s the same with sin. You could never “Out-Sin” God’s grace and unmerited favor for you. Your sin is like that bottle of regular water. God’s Grace is the ocean. Like the ocean, God’s grace and undeserved favor far surpasses your sin or failure. Too good to be true? Micah 7:19 says that He will “cast all their sins into the depths of the sea”.

It’s the same with a sickness, you can’t “Out-Sick” God’s grace. His divine health overwhelms and surpasses the symptoms in your body. You can’t “Out-Poor” God’s grace. 2 Corinthian 8:9 says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich”. In other words, you can’t “Out-____” God’s grace. Fill in the blank with anything that would try to deceive you into thinking that God’s grace falls short in any way. Simply not true!


The Cat's Meow

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1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour; whom resist steadfast in the faith”.

When we travel, my wife likes to see if she can find a “Cat’s Meow” to take home as a souvenir. They’re wooden figures of one of the landmarks in the town that we are visiting. And on each figure is a small black cat. We have them lined in the hallway of our home. Just looking at them brings back the best memories of places we’ve been as a family.

1 Peter 5 says that “as a roaring lion” Satan roams about seeking whom he MAY devour. It doesn’t say he IS a roaring lion, it says AS a roaring lion. To me, HE’S the cat’s meow! He’s like a little kitten meowing, trying to make you think he’s a lion. He’s NOT. He’s walking about seeking whom he MAY devour. He CAN’T. Because of the blood of Jesus, you’re undevourable. The only lion is the Lion of Judah, Jesus, and He lives on the inside of you. The next time Satan comes against you, “resist him and be steadfast in the faith”. Reduce that roar in your mind to a meow! Greater is He that is in you then he that is in the world! Be blessed.


The Perfect Pillow

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Mark 4:37-38 “And then arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And He was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake Him, and say unto Him, Master, Carest thou not that we perish?”

Most of us have heard of “My Pillow” advertised in the media. It’s guaranteed not only to give you a “perfect night’s sleep” but also to help your body to “alleviate back pain, fibromyalgia, disk pain, seasonal allergies, headaches, excessive snoring”. I mean I never knew a pillow could do so much! It’ll even turn your coffee on in the morning…of course I’m joking! Anyway, I agree that a good pillow does make a difference.

But in Mark 4:37-38, it’s the person who’s sleeping ON the pillow that makes all the difference here. The Bible says that “there arose a great storm of wind”. In the same account in Mathew 8, it says that “there was a great tempest in the sea”. The word tempest here is earthquake. What’s Jesus doing during all this? He’s in a deep sleep. It wasn’t the earthquake that woke Him up; it was the cry of the disciples. Jesus was in such peace that when He woke up, the peace on the inside came out of His mouth. He spoke to the storm “peace be still”, and there was a great calm. The peace on the inside affected the circumstance on the outside. That’s awesome.

So, what is the “perfect pillow” that Jesus gave us? It’s His perfect peace. You have it already on the inside of you as a fruit of the Spirit. Release it today and every storm you’re facing will cease. Let the peace on the inside affect your circumstances on the outside. Go ahead and rest your head (mind) on this promise!


The Darkest Hour is Just before the Dawn

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Mathew 14:25 “Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea”.

In 1650, English Theologian, Thomas Fuller coined the phrase “the darkest hour is just before the dawn”. Or in other words, even in the worst of circumstances there is hope. Matthew 14 tells of one of those “worst circumstances” or one of the darkest hours of the disciples’ lives. Their boat was being tossed about in a violent storm on the sea. This took place in the fourth watch of the night, which is from 3:00-6:00am, just before dawn. It was at this dark hour, that Jesus came to them, walking on the water, and delivered them. He was walking on the very problem that was threatening to kill and destroy them. He came to them in their hour of need.

The same is true for us today. The Lord will never abandon us in our darkest hour. He is a very present help in the time of trouble (Psalm 46:1). He has given us authority to “walk on our problems”, and to calm the raging waters around us by His Word. He has given us the victory over every threat and evil report. Contrary to popular opinion, He doesn’t bring the darkness, He’s the one that commanded light to shine out of the darkness. We must use our authority now, in Jesus’ name, over every area of darkness, and let the light of God’s Word illumine our hearts. Let is shine like the dawn! Amen.


Crabs in a Bucket

Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice“.

Did you know that when crabs are in a bucket, if one tries to escape, the others will pull him back down? It’s known as the “crab mentality”, or “If I can’t have it, neither can you!” As humans, the crab mentality causes members of a group to attempt to reduce the self-confidence of any member who achieves success beyond the others to halt their progress. They allow envy, resentment, spite, conspiracy, or competitive feelings to get the best of them.

Not so in the kingdom of God. In Romans 12:15 Paul says “rejoice with those who rejoice”. What a powerful verse. When you rejoice with others at their success and progress, you act totally opposite of the crab mentality. When you rejoice with others and actually give them a “leg up”, you position yourself to go up as well. You both win. If there’s an area in your life that you are struggling with today, find someone who has succeeded in that area and rejoice with them. Send them a text or note or email and let them know how happy you are for them. Rejoice with others who rejoice!


Get Smarter

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Colossians 2:3 “In Whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge “

Do any of you remember the hit comedy in the 60’s called Get Smart about a secret agent named Maxwell Smart? I loved the opening with all those doors closing behind him as he made his way to headquarters. He was known as Secret Agent 86 and his lovely and witty assistant was Secret Agent 99. I thought the show was hilarious.

In the kingdom of God, all the wisdom we will ever need is available to us right now. We already have the answer to every situation, problem and endeavor. Where do we find it? Colossians 2:3 says that this wisdom is found in a person, and His name is Jesus. Jesus has been made unto us wisdom (1Cor. 1:30). As a born again believer, within you are all the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. When you need direction or solutions, draw from the rivers of living water on the inside of you. It’s an inexhaustible well of wisdom for your every need. Expect the answers you need to come from the Word that’s been hidden in your heart. Tap into the supernatural wisdom that’s yours. Don’t just get smart, get smarter!


Stir it Up!

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2 Timothy 1:6 “Wherefore I put you in remembrance that you stir up the gift of God that is in you by the putting on of my hands”.

We used to have a coffee shop in our town called Stir it Up. I would order a big cup of hot cappuccino with a little cream on top, then give it a good stir. How awesome it tasted! In 2 Timothy 1:6 Paul talks about “the gift of God”, which is in every Spirit filled believer. The Greek word for gift is charisma, or our word for grace. Like Paul, I’m reminding you today of something so key to living a powerful life: this gift or grace on the inside of you needs to be stirred up. You need to regularly add fresh fuel to the fire.

Stir up the gift of grace on the inside of you. Don’t let it stay inactive or dormant. When you’re facing issues in life, stir up the grace of God and His promises that are hidden in your heart and speak out loud, “yes and amen”. The next verse goes on to say, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”. When stirred, grace reminds you of who you are. When stirred, grace reminds you what God has called you to do. When stirred, grace prompts you to action in agreement with His Word. So...stir it up!!


Sleepless in Heaven

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Esther 6:1 “That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him. “

It’s amazing how an event in your life can be turned around by one sleepless night! In the 1993 movie Sleepless in Seattle, after the death of his wife Sam Baldwin (Tom Hanks) moves to Seattle with his son Jonah. When Jonah calls a talk radio program to find a wife for his dad, Sam reluctantly gets on the phone to talk to the radio host. Annie Reed (Meg Ryan) seeks out the dad and eventually they meet and fall in love. Can everyone say Awww!

In Esther 6:1, the king has a sleepless night and asks for the book of Chronicles to be read to him…interesting choice. By God’s design he hears about a man named Mordecai who saved his life. What he didn’t know at the time is that Mordecai’s life was in danger because of the evil Hamon. Also by God’s design, the king decided on that sleepless night that it was time to honor Mordecai for his valiant act. That’s the favor of God. That same favor is working behind the scenes for you right now. Someone is going to have a “sleepless night” and your face is going to come to their mind. You are going to get that job, that promotion is going to go into effect, rules are going to be changed on your behalf, policies are going to be amended, doors are going to open. Why? Because God never slumbers or sleeps, He’s always awake orchestrating ways to bless you and moving things into position on your behalf. While you’re sleeping, He’s working. He’s sleepless in heaven!


The Tooth Be Told

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Isaiah 41:15 “Behold, I will make you a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: you shall thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shall make the hills as chaff.”

Mentioned 56 times, the Bible has some interesting things to say about teeth. Scripture often uses teeth symbolically, to refer to the power of individuals, or regarding human rage (as in the “gnashing of teeth”). Let’s take a look at the use of the word teeth in Isaiah 41:15...

God says that “I will make you”, meaning that He will release extreme power through you from the inside out. Make you what? “A new sharp threshing instrument”. Threshing instruments were ancient boards that had sharp protruding fragments built in that looked like teeth, and used to pass over large sheaves of wheat to separate the grain from the chaff. “Having teeth”. What for? How does this relate to us today?

The “teeth” is the Word of God in your mouth. It’s a double edged sword, to thresh every mountain and obstacle in your way and beat them small. By the power of God’s word problems, hindrances, limitations, lack, and delays will blow away like chaff in the wind. This year, let the “tooth be told”, the truth of God’s Word be told to every mountain that stands in your way. Don’t climb every mountain, thresh every mountain!


Breaking Through Resistance

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Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God In Christ Jesus"

Even a dead fish can swim downstream. Know why? There's no resistance! How do you respond to resistance in your life? When you decide to live in the "high calling", you will face opposition and resistance. "…all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" 2 Tim3:12.

So, if there's a "high calling", there must also be a "low calling". The high calling is a life lived on earth according to heaven's standards; it's seeing the kingdom of God manifested through an individual's life. People who live in the high calling control their surroundings. By staying in their authority, they change the spiritual climate around them.

Darkness cannot overpower light, light always expels darkness. The brighter the light, the more darkness is displaced. This is how it is when we walk in the authority of God's kingdom. We place our surroundings under its rule. Jesus could eat with sinners because HE controlled the atmosphere. If you are stronger in God then the unbeliever is in the devil, you will control the atmosphere. If the sinner is more dominant in evil than the believer is in righteousness, the unbeliever will control the atmosphere.

Again, when you decide to live the high calling, you will face opposition. But you've already overcome because of the finished work on the cross. Yet many settle and live for the low calling. Why? They don't want to face the resistance that accompanies pressing toward the high calling. They would rather conform to their surroundings than change them with godly confrontation. It's much easier to blend in than to stand out.

The word "press" signifies an aggressive mentality that refuses to give up, rather than a "passive" mentality that follows the path of least resistance. Keep pressing forward with the Grace of God and the power of the Holy Ghost. Greater is He that is in you than what you are facing in the world. Break through the resistance! Press toward the mark! Start today!